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MGI Tonker 830 - Piling Rig For

Solar PV Ground Mounting

High quality Italian engineered pile driver.  The MGI Tonker 830 is certified as UKCA compliant and built to EU, USA and International safety and quality standards. 

MGI Tonker 830 solar piling rig
MGI Tonker 830 machine for solar pv ground mounting
MGI Tonker 830 piling rig for solar
MGI Tonker 830 Piling Rig For Solar Farm Installation

Longitudinal Slope MAX: 23% (13º) 

Transverse Slope MAX: 17% (10º)

MGI Tonker 830 Piling Rig For Solar Farm Installation

Foldable Column: Easy Transportation

MGI Tonker 830 Piling Rig For Solar Farm Installation

Hydraulic Oil Tank Capacity: 180L

Fuel Tank Capacity: 55L

Pile Carrying Arms

Lockable Toolbox

Some Features 

Kohler stage V tier 4 engine MGI Tonker 830 piling rig

Powered a powerful 42KW Kohler Stage V Tier 4 engine.

Thanks to MGI's expertise, the cooling system has a specially enlarged radiator plus auxiliary radiator dissipating heat faster which has made it possible to work at higher temperatures of +50°C

MGI Tonker 830 Piling Rig Indeco Spa Hammer

Indeco SPA 950 Joules (620-1500 BPM / 185 KG with a working weight of 350 Kg)

Indeco SPA 1200 Joules (580-1180 BPM / 285 KG with a working weight of 550 Kg)

Beating Mass (See FAQ 8)

MGI Tonker 830 Piling Rig Mast / Column


Choice of three column/mast lengths for max 5.1m and 6.1m piles.


For added strength both sections are made from a single piece of steel.

MGI Tonker 830 Piling Rig Controls

Highly responsive hydraulic lever controls that ensure accurate and precise movement of column, hammer and rig. Positioned so operator has full view of work area. 


MGI Tonker 830 Piling Rig Rubber Caterpillar Tracking

Each track is 300mm width, 2000mm length, and 480mm high. These precise measurements enables it to comfortably tackle the most difficult terrain.

MGI Tonker 830 Piling Rig Operator Step & Diagnostics

Operator Step and Controls

The robust and foldable operator transport step makes for easy “jump on, jump off’’ increasing speed of installation. The controls include an emergency engine safety “stop” and computer diagnostics


Technical Specifications


  • Weight: 4000Kg (Standard Rig) / 4100KG (With 6.1m Mast)

  • Main Body Dimensions: 2190mm x 2150mm

  • Transport Dimensions: (H) 2350mm x (L) 3500mm x (W) 2300mm (mast for pile lengths of up-to 5.1m)

  • Transport Dimensions: (H) 2500mm x (L) 3500mm x (W) 2300mm (mast for pile lengths of up-to 6.1m)

  • Longitudinal Slope MAX: 23% (13º)

  • Transverse Slope MAX: 17% (10º)

  • Work Pressure: 180 Bar

  • Hydraulic Hoses: Compliant with EN 853 – p = 215 bar

  • Hydraulic & Gear Pump: Group 3. Made with high-resistance cast iron housing, featuring compact dimensions.

  • Hydraulic Oil Tank Capacity: 180 Litres

  • Speed of Machine: 4.5 KM/H

  • Fuel Tank Capacity: 55 Litres

  • Maximum Pile Height: 6.1 Metres (20.013 ft) 

Indeco Spa - Hammer 

  • Impact Power: 950 or 1200 Joules

  • Weight: 185 KG (working weight 350 Kg) / 285 Kg (working weight 550 Kg)

  • Beats Per Minute: 620 - 1500 / 580 - 1180

  • Work Pressure: 180 Bar

  • Oil Flow (Litres Per Minute): 60 / 90

  • Beating Mass (See FAQ 8)

Engine - Kohler Stage V Tier 4 (KDI 1903 TCR E5)​​ 

  • Max Power: 42 KW (56 HP) / 2600 RPM

  • Cylinder: 1.9 Ltr

  • Max Torque: 225 NM @ 1500 RPM 

Technical Specs
Tonker 830 Videos

Interview | Graham Clucas | Wykes Eng. Ltd

View & listen to one of many satisfied customers. This machine is ideal for large scale solar farm construction.  Check out his interview 5 years on!

Interview | Tihomir Petkor | Wykes Eng. Ltd


View and listen to why the MGI Tonker is ideal for speedy solar farm construction. Wykes Engineering Ltd

Mahmut Aydin Interview

Full Interview I Mahmut Aydin | Eden Energy


The acclaimed solar developer and owner of Eden Energy & Construction Ltd, shares insights into his thriving renewable startup and explains the essential role MGI machinery plays in his journey.

Interview | Martin Nokov | GNBL Group Ltd


Co-owners Marco and Mike visit a recent GNBL Group Ltd project on their first day of installation in Chemsford, UK and find out why the MGI Tonker 830 is their machine of choice. 

After Sales Support - Marco Nigro 

What kind of after sales support can you expect from Pile Driver UK.

The Tonker 830 in action | Hard Clay Soil


Watch The Tonker 830 being used in hard clay soil on a site in Northamptonshire, UK.  

Graham Clucas - 5 years on

Interview | Graham Clucas | Wykes Engineering


Co-Founder, Mike visits a customer who's been using the MGI Tonker 830 for 5 years.  Find out why it's their machine of choice. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What extras can be purchased?


Rotary Drills (small 1,500NM & large 2,500Nm) 

DHT and a large selection of bits/complete sets (inc. 8"/⌀300)

Laser Receiver Kit 

GPS System (Fully or Semi-Autonomous).

GPS Preparation (You can then choose to install your own software of choice)  

Radio Control Systems

Hammer Impact Plate/Masks (customisable for a variety of pile profiles).

Rock Spike (for holes up to ∅100mm).

Auto Levelling System.

Rotary Head For Screw Piling (up-to 5,000Nm).

Fork Stabiliser.

Augers for use with 2500 Nm rotary head (∅200mm & 200mm with tip, ∅250mm & ∅250mm with tip ).

2. What can the Tonker 830 be used for?

Solar ground mounting using straight piles.

Screw piling.

Drilling - sustained or occasional (more information on FAQ 6)


Guardrails/Road safety barriers & highway fencing.

Agricultural Fencing.

Equestrian & Wildlife Projects.

Solar panel dry/wet cleaning.

And much more. 

3. What does the warranty cover and for how long?

One-year manufacturers warranty from time of purchase. 


It covers:




Drill and rotary heads

Hydraulic pump 

Caterpillar tracks etc. 


It does not cover:

Serviceable wear and tear items.

The body and structural parts, and hoses. 

Damage caused by not following manufacturers instructions on use, maintenance and servicing.

4. What pile dimensions can the Tonker 830 handle?

Lengths 5.1  & 6.1 metres

Maximum ∅300mm.


Some examples of square/rectangular post dimensions: 


230mm x 170mm, 

202mm x 202mm,  

250mm x 110mm. 

5. Where is the Tonker 830 being used?

It's being used all over the world by large scale solar farm developers and contractors. 


Some examples of locations and PV site sizes are:


GRAFHAM - UK - 11.6 MW, 

DUBAI - UAE - 195 MW, 


BEN BAM - EGYPT - 126 MW, 


OWL'S HATCH - UK - 30 MW, 



AL MAKTOUM - UAE - 500+ MW, 




plus many other countries.

6. Can the Tonker 830 be used for drilling or screw piling?

Drilling: Yes

By replacing the hammer with the 2500Nm rotary drill system it can be used for sustained drilling. 


For occasional drilling the 1500Nm drill can be attached simultaneously to the hammer frame.


Screw piling: Yes

There are various size rotary heads (up-to 5,000Nm) which can replace the hydraulic hammer. 

With the benefits of a state of the art torque reader they are excellent for screw piling.


7. Are the rigs customisable? 

The rigs MGI manufacture are highly customisable thanks to their expert engineers.

To discuss your unique needs please contact us.

8. Beating Mass Information

One customised/plain beating mass is included with a machine. Depending on size and design, up-to several profiles can be cut into it. Additional beating masses can be provided at extra cost.


Dimensions of beating mass (1200J Hammer):  

MGI Tonker 830 beating mass dimensions for the 1200 J hammer
Untitled design.png
Beating mass

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1 Archer Avenue

Raunds, Welllingborough,



+44 7737 463801

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